  • 產品名稱:探頭附件

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  • 產品廠商:美國特勵達力科
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AP-1M - 1 MOhm Adapter for WaveMaster

CALKIT-OSL - 3.5 mm Coaxial Calibration Kit (includes Open, Short, and 50 ohm reference standards)

Dx10-HiTEMP - WaveLink Temperature Extension cables for Dx10.Includes 1 set of matched 30" high temperature cables, 1 solder tip lead set

PK-HV-001 - Accessory kit for High Voltage Differential Probe

PK-HVA-01 - Replacement Alligator Clips for High Voltage Differential Probe

PK-HVA-02 - Replacement Pincer Clips for High Voltage Differential Probe

PK-HVA-03 - Replacement Hook Clips for High Voltage Differential Probe

PK-HVA-04 - Replacement Long Alligator Clips for High Voltage Differential Probe

PK-HVA-05 - Replacement Spade Terminals for High Voltage Differential Probe

Dx10-SI-HiTEMP - Replacement Solder tip leadset for use with D410/D610 and temperature extension cables

Dx20-HiTEMP - WaveLink Temperature Extension cables for Dx20.Includes 1 set of matched 30" high temperature cables, 1 solder tip lead set

Dx20-SI-HiTEMP - Replacement Solder tip leadset for use with D420/620 and temperature extension cables

Dxx0-Cable-HiTemp - Replacement 30" matched cable set for use with HiTemp Solder tip leadset

L2.92A-PBUS - 2.92mm to ProBus Adapter with Probe Power and Communication Pass Through

L2.92A-PLINK - 2.92mm to ProLink Adapter with Probe Power and Communication Pass Through

LPA-BNC - ProLink-to-BNC Adapter, 1 each

LPA-BNC-KIT - Kit of 4 ProLink BNC Adapters with Case

LPA-K-A - Pro-Link to K/2.92mm Adapter

LPA-K-KIT-A - Kit of Qty. 4 Pro-Link to K/2.92mm Adapter

LPA-SMA-A - Pro-Link to SMA Adapter, new style

LPA-SMA-KIT-A - Kit of Pro-Link to SMA Adapter, new style

ME-15 - 1.5 Meter Module Extender Cable Limited Availability

OE695G-REFCAL - OE695G Reference Cal (1ch)

PACC-CD007 - Solder-In Ground (Qty. 2)

PACC-CD008 - Bendable Pogo Ground (qty of 2)

PACC-CD009 - Flexible IC Ground

PACC-CL001 - Probe Clips For SMD 0.5MM

PACC-LD001 - Ground Spring Hook

PACC-LD002 - Square Pin Ground Spring

PACC-LD003 - Replacement Right Angle S-Lead

PACC-LD004 - Replacement Right Angle L-Lead

PACC-LD006 - Single Lead 4.25

PACC-MS002 - Replacement Cartridge HFP Probe

PACC-MS003 - Low C Fixed Tip Cartridge

PACC-PT001 - Probe Tips Straight

PACC-PT002 - Probe Tips Sharp

PACC-PT003 - IC Lead Tip (Qty. 4)

PACC-PT004 - Discrete SMD Tip (Qty. 4)

PACC-PT005 - Bent Sharp Tip (Qty. 4)

PACC-ZD001 - Y lead Adapter for ZD differential probes - Qty 1

PACC-ZD002 - Solder-in lead for ZD differential probe - QTY 2

PACC-ZD003 - Long spring ground for ZD differential probe - QTY 2

PACC-ZD004 - Tip saver for ZD differential probe - QTY 2

PACC-ZD005 - Swivel tip adapter for ZD differential probe - QTY 1

PACC-ZD006 - Small IC adapter for ZD differential probe - QTY 2

PACC-ZD007 - Replacement Accessory kit for ZD200

PACC-ZD008 - Y-Lead Adapter

PACC-ZD009 - Micro pogo pin tips for ZD differential probeQty 6

PK-ZS - Replacement Accessory Kit for ZS Series Active Probes

PK-ZS-001 - Straight Probe Tip (pkg of 4)

PK-ZS-002 - Offset Ground (pkg of 4)

PK-ZS-003 - Short Ground Lead (pkg of 4)

PK-ZS-004 - Long Ground Lead (pkg of 4)

PK-ZS-005 - Y Lead Adaptor (qty 4)

PK-ZS-006 - Right-Angle Connector (qty 4)

PK-ZS-007B - Sprung Hook - Black (qty 4)

PK-ZS-007R - Sprung Hook - Red (qty 4)


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